Huge dove numbers all year round
High-volume eared dove shooting in the Cordoba Province of Argentina will keep the most dedicated shotgun shooters busy! Dove numbers are estimated to be in their millions, and are still growing, so hunting takes places all year round. The birds breed numerous times a year and are a pest to farmers. The plague of doves is so problematic, hunters are essential to the success of farming crop.
Dove shooting vacation talks to Georgie Tillson of Sportquest holidays about dove shooting, “Hunting in Argentina is huge! They breed up to 5 times a year and are non-migratory, it is estimated that there are over 35 million eared doves in the Cordoba Province and climbing. Due to its rich agriculture and lack of natural predators, the doves here are actually a pest to farmers and the general populace so hunters are a welcome sight to the region. It is doubtful you will ever encounter so many doves in a single moment, hour or day than what you will see here in the Piquillin trees (dove roosts).” asked about the typical length of dove hunting holidays. Georgie replied, “they tend to be over 8 days with 4.5 days shooting but can be tailored either way.”
Shooting clothing and sporting quarry
The Argentinian weather is warm and dry, and rainy spells are very unusual. Georgie tells us about the idea dove hunting clothing, “Shooters can wear light and comfortable hunting clothing with decent walking boots/Gore-Tex walking boots. A hat, protective glasses and gloves are necessary and a shoulder pad for the recoil.” The doves are only 24 cm (9.4 in), and there is no close season or bag limit. “You will expect to shoot a couple of cases of cartridges. Anything from 200-1000 birds,” said Georgie.
Shotguns for hire
“You will be able to use the lodge shotguns which are included in the price. 12/20 and 28 gauges available and cartridges will be supplied by the lodges too.”

Sportquest hunter travel tip

Travelling around the world with your shotgun is becoming increasing difficult these days, shooting expert Georgie told, “many of our guests agree that renting guns from the lodge can be easier than applying for consular permits and traveling with their own shotguns. Travelling with guns can be a long and complicated process and, of course, costly. The lodges must be notified of the details of the gun you are wanting to take, serial numbers and flight details/itineraries etc. It is then sent to be passed/processed by a guarantor. Logistics are dealt with if it is passed more nearer to the time of travelling and clearing at the airport is between $300-$500. So it is generally easier to rent.”
What happens on a dove shooting holiday? asked Georgie about Sportquest dove shooting holiday accommodation, “absolute comfort and luxury, 5 star service and sensational award winning food and drink.”
Making the most of your shoot day, she said, “it starts with a 7:00am wakeup call, and a hearty breakfast before your departure to the fields for 8:00am. Wake up calls and departure times may vary depending on the time of year and where you will be hunting that day. Most drives to the dove fields are 15-50 minutes away from the lodge. Once you arrive at the selected hunting area you will be assigned your very own professional and experienced bird boy. He will provide you with cartridges, refreshments and loading and will retrieve your fallen birds. Depending on the time of the year, you will continue to shoot until noon, then the team of guns gathers for a traditional Argentine “Asado” (barbeque). After lunch, your afternoon begins at around 2:00-2:30pm and continues until approximately 6:00pm. Once your first day of shooting has come to an end and you have retreated back to the lodge you will be able to relax while your dinner is being prepared.”
Georgie Tilson's dream hunt
all4hunters asked Georgie Tilson, Sportquest Shooting Destination Consultant, about her dream hunt. She told us, “my dream hunt would be to hunt moose in Canada, something that I’ve always found really appealing. The thought of hunting deep into the Canadian mountains and the thrill of the hunt and sheer size of the animal impresses me. Definitely something on my bucket list.”
Shooting holidays Homepage:
All Argentina Shooting Holidays Homepage:
All Dove Shooting Holidays Homepage:
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Here you will find links to all other contents of our "Dream Hunt series" on
- Dream hunt: wild boar hunting in France with David Gauthier
- Dream hunt: magic in Croatia
- Dream hunt: hunting chamois in Slovenia
- Dream hunt: hunting waterbuck in South Africa
- Dream hunt: hunting in Latvia
- Dream hunt: hunting in Namibia
- Dream Hunt: hunting in New Zealand, South Island
- Dream hunt: hunting in Australia
- Dream hunt with Ryan Baudhuin: duck hunter, photographer, videographer, and adventurer
- Dream hunt: alligator hunting in Louisiana
- Dream hunt: upland bird shooting in Illinois, USA
- Dream hunt: white-tailed deer hunting in Illinois, USA
- Dream hunt: moose hunting in Sweden
- Dream hunt: affordable hunting in Sweden
- Dream hunt: bear hunting in Alaska
- Dream hunt: hunting caribou and Dall rams in Alaska
- Dream Hunt: red stag stalking in Scotland with traditional Highland ponies
- Dream hunt: driven and walked-up grouse shooting in Scotland
- Dream hunt: goose shooting on Orkney with Raymond Shearer
- Dream hunt: hunters shooting high-flying driven partridge in Spain
- Dream hunt: Balearic Boc hunting in the mountains of Majorca
Who is Linda Mellor?
Linda Mellor is one of Scotland’s foremost shooting, fishing and hunting female writers and photographers. She is the product Ambassador for Venator Pro, a premier hunting company and stockist of the European brand Hillman. With a lifetime of countryside experience, Linda’s passion, enthusiasm and respect for the outdoors and hunting is explored and shared across her writing and photography.
For more information on Linda Mellor, please visit Linda Mellor's website, Twitter (LindaMellor) and instagram (linda_mellor)