News started in January 2012 in Italy. Now, 20 months later, is available in 4 languages ​​online: German, English, Italian and Russian. We have 5 Facebook pages, one in each language and one page in Italian language. 

Together we have cracked the "100,000 Likes" on Facebook – WOW! What a day for our project and our international team.

Our entire team would like to thank all users of our website, our social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and our YouTube channel. 

THANKS A MILLION to all Facebook users who “Liked" our pages.  

Tell us what you are interested in, so that we can provide it to you and do better in the future. Dear hunters and shooting sports friends, we created for you. You can use the comment function at the end of the page, or just post on Facebook: What do you expect from us in the future.

Cheers to the next 100,000 Likes - we are looking forward to work in full power to increase your satisfaction. 

Have fun with everything that will offer you in the future.