"Forte Montecchio Nord" and "Forte di Fuentes" strongholds

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The new calendar, schedule and all the information needed to visit the "Forte Montecchio Nord" and the 17th century "Forte di Fuentes" historical stronghold sites can be found on the following websites: www.fortemontecchionord.it  and  www.fortedifuentes.it


Among granite and ice, memories from the most elevated fighting front of the Great War

Museo Guerra Bianca
Among granite and ice, memories from the most elevated fighting front of the Great War: one of the exhibition halls

This is the title of the exhibition that can be visited at the Cremona chapter of the National Alpine Association in Cremona, during the 85th anniversary of the Foundation of the chapter itself.

Using pictures, texts and objects made available by the Museum white war are given a general framework of the "great war" and progressively addressed the main themes of the war in the mountains: transport logistics, life at high altitude, equipment, fighting, assistance to the injured, the conservation of objects for memory storage and more.

The exhibition is in Cremona (Italy) in via Realdo Colombo, 2. It is open only on Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:30 to 12:00 AM.

To visit the exhibition, or book a reservation for groups, please contact the following email address or call:

presidente.cremona@ana.it   tel. +39 3384991617