Sabatti announces that the acquisition of M.A.G. (Manifattura Armi Giani) has been completed. Sabatti is a well-known Italian leading company in the manufacturing of shotguns and rifles and don't needs any further introduction. On the other hand, M.A.G. is a small company with excellent professional know-how, operating mainly as an assembler of high-end custom hunting rifles. It was founded in 1997 by Vittorio Giani, a rifled long guns expert and a great connoisseur of the world of big game hunting.

“The acquisition of M.A.G. by Sabatti Spa took place as part of a series of organizational and production transformations that Sabatti has been carrying out for some time and that will lead the company to operate with renewed energy in all its target markets,” they explain in a press release.
Vittorio Giani joins the staff of collaborators with whom Sabatti is carrying out some particularly important activities, providing a major operational support contribution as Sales Consultant: "Sabatti has been operating in the long guns sector for over three hundred years – he says – with extraordinary technical expertise in the design and construction of guns, and great experience in the manufacture of barrels, and has nothing to envy to any of the most prestigious brands in the gunmaking world.”
Giani adds: “Emanuele Sabatti, CEO of Sabatti Spa, and I have known each other for many years: the fact that I can offer Sabatti my contribution of knowledge, within a constantly changing and increasingly complex market such as the firearms one, represents a great professional stimulus for me."
Sabatti Spa will harmonize M.A.G.'s activities and competences within the broader production and commercial strategies that the company manages on a national and international level.