After a four hour flight from Italy, leaving everyday life behind with its chores, we find ourselves lost in magnificent and boundless nature, immersed in peaceful silence and where uncanny colors call directly at the hunter' soul.
Hunting in the Swedish Lapland

Hunting in the Swedish Lapland's forests or mountains means losing ourselves in the magical atmosphere that perhaps only children dreamed of - places of poetry and legends, tied to the very core of that event we all have eagerly waited in our youngest years: Christmas.
Which gift could be more appealing to a hunter than to watch their dogs run on a musky moss carpet brightened by cranberry bushes nestled among birch forests and streams, that offer livelihood and shelter to game such as Heather cocks, Black grouses or Nordic Partridges?
The hours of the day pass in tiresome ecstasy, searching this game that always knows how to surprise and grants immense emotion in the lucky moment of the rendez-vous with the hunter.
It should be stressed: this experience is not for those hunters that consider their only goal the moment of the killing shot and the raw amount of encounters. These are territories and fields that fully cater to hunters and their hounds willing to question themselves, accepting the challenge of tiresome trekking for hours on end, looking for game that intimately knows the land, and can easily avoid even the most navigated and resistant dogs.
A real hunt experience, without compromise or convenience, surely not for anyone who is not prepared and aware of the value of what he is looking for.
Heather cocks, Black grouses, Nordic Partridges and Rock ptarmigans

The hunting season begins in September, when the young Heather cock brigade will surely offer some extra chance to the hunters.
From the middle of September to the end of the first days of October, game is obviously more shrewd, but equally fascinating in their defensive techniques that offer a real strategy and strength challenge in the forest.
The variety of environments compensates for the difficulty of hunting, allowing the hunter to meet wildfowl in the same habitat while searching for cedars or some beautiful brigade of partridges.
A magnificent hunting field with the hound, that has to prove all his worth and performance here.
Only the most intelligent and resistant hounds, that know how to seek and at the same time place their masters in the best position to reveal and show the game that these forests hide.
Even the Eurasian woodcocks, among their nesting areas, have certainly not overlooked Lapland and it is not uncommon to come across some welcome encounter.
In the forests covering the valley floors, wide clearings open where the tundra hosts the same game among swamps and small lakes wth surreal colors.
For those who love hunting in more open and typically mountainous areas, rocky highlands and isolated hills give the possibility to hunt down the Rock ptarmigans, among numerous brigades and lonely birds that increase the zest of the hunt, highlighting the hound's skills and the hunter's experience in a place where you could touch the sky with your finger.
Lugaresi Tour Operator Hunting House

Once you've reached Lapland, you have to be guided by the experience and professionalism of the Lugaresi Tour Operator staff who has been organizing lodging and hunting in these lands for years.
On your arrival they will wait for you with their own transportation and without the slightest delay, you will feel cordially welcomed and put in the condition to enjoy, without hassle, a wonderful adventure.
At the end of September it could happen - just as it happened to us - that on the way to the hunting lodge hunters witness the boreal aurora illuminate the sky, anticipating the joys of discovering marvels not found anywhere else.
In the pictures we try to show and tell you about some of our days spent in Lapland together with Giorgio Lugaresi, a true pioneer of hunting in these lands.
For detailed information on how to organize your trip, the best thing to do is check out website and talk directly with the owner, Paolo Paladini, who will guide you to the discovery of this unique hunting field with courtesy and kindness.
We will publish more contents about hunting in Lapland on all4hunters...stay tuned!