GECO in 2022: "Where excitement starts" is the new slogan, plus a modern, catchy new logo. The brand, which today belongs to the RUAG Ammotec group, has every reason to nevertheless retain its sense of tradition with the new look. The brand's history dates back to 1887. Since its foundation by Gustav Genschow, GECO (the abbreviation of Genschow and Company) has been characterized by innovative developments and growth. What began as a firearms and ammunition wholesaler quickly grew into a flourishing company.

Today, GECO ammunition is manufactured under the strictest quality control at locations in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Hungary. Founding patron Genschow would probably be proud – and rightly so. His guiding principle of “quality products in the service of hunting and sport” is still firmly embedded in the brand's DNA today.
GECO reloading components have been appreciated by marksmen and hunters for decades and are synonymous with professional quality worldwide. The high-tech components guarantee extremely easy assembly and impress with their optimised sensitivity. The GECO catalog includes bullets and primers for rifle cartridge, and offers bullets, cases and primers for handgun ammunition.

Finally, the optical products form another area of the GECO World. Gustav Genschow & Co. (GECO) sold GECO-branded binoculars as far back as the 1930s. In keeping with this tradition, GECO today once again offers riflescopes, red dot sights and binoculars of the highest optical and mechanical quality at a fair price.
On the new GECO website, you can read about the individual stages of the company's history and, of course, find information about the current products for hunting and sports.
The milestones of the GECO company history from 1887 until today
25 August, 1887: Founding of the firm Gustav Genschow & Co. based on the guiding principle of “delivering exclusively to retailers”. Founder is the eponymous Gustav Genschow from Stralsund.
1899: Investment in Durlach-based weapons and ammunition factory in Baden, Germany.
1903: Acquisition of Durlacher Zündhütchen- und Patronenfabrik GmbH.
1906: Merger of the two companies into the firm Gustav Genschow & Co. and formation of the first establishment in Cologne.
1912: Establishment of a specialised subsidiary company in Vienna responsible for exports to Austria-Hungary and the Balkans.

1921: Formation of another establishment in Königsberg/Prussia and re-establishment of the sales divisions in Frankfurt am Main and Nuremberg.
1924: Takeover of production facilities at Deutsche Werke AG. This was the only specialist factory in Germany for small-bore firearms. International business revenues were booming, including in South America. Genschow pistol cartridges were used by the police in nearly every country in South America.
1927/28: Conclusion of a syndicate agreement with RWS, or rather Dynamit AG, formerly known as Alfred Nobel & Co., the largest munitions factory in Nuremberg. Production of rimfire and Flobert cartridges, revolver cartridges, metal cases, percussion caps and airgun pellets at the plants in Fürth/Stadeln and Nuremberg.
1940: Death of the company founder, Gustav Genschow
1952: Resumption of production of hunting and sports ammunition (airgun pellets, shotgun shells; from 1957 pistols/revolvers as well).
1963: Transfer of ownership in all factory facilities owned by Genschow & Co. AG to Sprengstoff- und Munitionsfabrik Dynamit Nobel AG.
1966/67: Merger of the GECO, Rottweil and RWS brands under the umbrella Dynamit Nobel AG.
1972: Relocation of the business from Durlach near Karlsruhe to Fürth/Stadeln.
2002: Takeover of Dynamit Nobel AG by Swiss technology group RUAG.
To date: The GECO brand has been part of the RUAG Group since 2002. It encompasses a wide-ranging product portfolio made up of hunting and sports ammunition as well as optical products. GECO offers hunters and marksmen across the world tried-and-true quality at a fair price. The major brand relaunch took place in the fall of 2021 and will now be fully visible with new packs in the trade on international markets.
Go to the GECO Ammunition website in 5 languages.
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