With its wide range, the GECO brand offers the hunter and sports shooter the right ammunition for almost all situations. And it has been doing so for more than 130 years, as the brand history dates back to 1887. A small retailer with a start-up mentality that unerringly became a world-renowned brand. Founding father Karl Gustav Genschow's guiding principle was “outstanding quality in the services of hunting and sport”. Today, GECO still keeps this sentence firmly anchored in the brand's DNA.
GECO in video: the DNA of the brand and ammunition
Meet GECO huntress Lina: at one with nature...
“My partner has been a passionate hunter for eight years, so he was the one who got me interested. He started by taking me along and letting me look over his shoulder. I was astonished to see how multifaceted hunting is and can be. All the things you have to know about nature and game really drew me in, and so I decided to earn my hunting licence as well," says Lina, a hunter and beekeeper with a passion.

Growing up on a farm with cattle and chickens, the sustainable production of animal food has always been a theme in Lina's life. With hunting, she finally took another step towards self-sufficiency. In November 2020, she obtained her hunting license - the first in the family to do so. Since last year, the German woman has also been keeping her own bee colonies.
“A mindful approach to living creatures – including sensible use of their resources – is particularly close to my heart, which is why I picked the GECO PLUS as a deformation bullet that combines effectiveness with good preservation of the game meat.”
The GECO PLUS line combines depth penetration and game protection. The manufacturer achieves high accuracy and reliable deformation with a bonded bullet. The deformation is controlled by the visible predetermined breaking points in the jacket. The bullet is available in the following calibers: 6.5x55 SE, .270 Win., 7x64, 7x65 R, 7 mm Rem.Mag., .308 Win., .30-06 Spring., .300 Win.Mag., 8x75 JS, 8x57 JRS, 9.3x62 and 9.3x74 R.
Video: GECO PLUS hunting bullet

Preferably active: emotional nature experiences in the hunting ground are important for young huntress Lina
Lina, who has a licence to hunt in a small game area and also joins friends to hunt larger game (fallow deer), prefers not to name any favoritespecies “... because every type of game has its own particular charms.” Her preferred time to hunt is during the summer months, when the animals are especially active and there is plenty to see and discover. “One of the nicest ways to wind down from a busy day is to sit up in the blind and delight at the innumerable facets of the terrain and game species. It really isn’t about bagging animals, but enjoying the experience,” says the full-time paramedic.
Lina's first buck: this was her most formative hunting experience
Her most memorable hunting experience so far was taking down her first buck, an eligible yearling. Accompanied by her boyfriend, Lina bagged the animal in her local hunting grounds on the glorious evening of 14 May 2021. “It was still warm and sunny, and I had enough time to get the buck in my sights. We’d already seen it there and we knew it was up for grabs. So when he showed up that evening, I was able to release a shot from 80 metres in no time at all. The buck was right in the firing line – and we could not have been more delighted.”
And once the game has been shot, it must of course be used properly and completely. For this, manufacturer GECO offers many recipe suggestions for culinary delicacies with game.
Lina's recommendation: game goulash with black beer sauce

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