Rock Island Auction company announced its September Premier Auction, that will be held from September 6 to 8, 2019. As usual, in the catalog we find a lot of interesting, unique and amazing items. Let’s start with the most expensive ones: with an estimated price of $650,000.00 - $950,000.00, a Colt Model 1847 Walker Revolver is at the top. It’s an extremely well-documented US Military Contract, E Company No. 120 U.S. Colt Model 1847 Walker Percussion Revolver, the last martial Colt Walker manufactured and one of the finest martial examples extant. For some bucks less you might buy a Colt Model 1877 "Bulldog" Gatling Gun with tripod in .45-70 Government. The U.S. Army purchased only seventeen of these five-barrel Model 1877 "Bulldogs". Estimated price is $275,000.00 - $400,000.00.

The “top three” is completed by a 1876 Winchester swing-out cylinder US Navy test revolver. A real historic piece and the rarest of all Winchester firearms, its estimated price is $250,000.00 - $400,000.00. This revolver features a swing out cylinder design by Stephen W. Wood, essentially the same as those in use on the majority of revolvers manufactured today. In fact, the first mass production of a swing-out cylinder and cylinder pin ejection revolver in America was Colt’s Model 1889, which was introduced some 13 years after this revolver was built.
Elmer Keith’s Smith & Wesson .38/.44 Outdoorsman revolver
RIA’s September Auction has something for all tastes. Just to name a few, Georg Luger's personal "GL" Marked seven shot prototype Baby Luger in 9mm. This is one of three original 7-shot "Baby Lugers" that are known to exist in the world today, with this example possibly being the only known example with a 3 1/4 inch length barrel (estimated price: $95,000.00 - $160,000.00). Then we have an extremely rare matched pair of E.H. Collier Second Model revolving flintlock pistols in .474 is offered at an estimated price of $80,000.00 - $130,000.00. Or, If you prefer modern military rifles, a rare and original Springfield 1903 with Pedersen device (curiously mistyped “Pederson” in the catalog) can be yours for $9,500.00 - $16,000.00. But you could also bid on a Duplex M1 Garand in 22-06, a Johnson Model 1941, or complete your Colt pistol collection with 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905 and 1908 models.
Among many rare and factory engraved Winchesters, Volcanic pistols, Colt Patersons and prototypes – such as the only known surviving example of Smith & Wesson pre-production Army Triple Lock test pistol, chambered in the S&W experimental “.45 Special” cartridge – some firearms associated with well-known people are also noteworthy. Such as Elmer Keith’s Smith & Wesson .38/.44 Outdoorsman revolver used in the development of the .357 Magnum cartridge in 1935, complete with box, personalized holster rig featuring “EK” initials overlaid in gold on the silver belt buckle and Factory letter. Elmer Keith (1899-1984) was an American shooting legend, inventor and prolific writer, who went on to develop the .44 Magnum and .41 Magnum. Estimated Price is $18,000.00 - $27,500.00.
RIA’s September Premier Auction catalog includes Class III firearms (M2 .50 cal. Machine guns, Thompsons, FALs, UZIs, BARs, MP38/40s etc.) and even a “Orleans pattern” bronze 12-pound field howitzer with carriage. Among the memorabilia, an Army of Northern Virginia Confederate battle flag with documents captured at Spotsylvania Court House by Captain Butterfield of the 8th Ohio Infantry, has an estimated price of $130,000.00 - $222,500.00.
For more information please visit Rock Island Auction Company website.