Tandemkross recently announced a new package dedicated to the Ruger PC Carbine. It's the brand new Upriser Chassis made from reinforced polymer that significantly improves the ergonomics of the Ruger PC Carbine. Durable and lightweight, the Tandemkross Upriser package also places a strong emphasis on versatility and modularity. This allows for the mounting of almost all AR-15 type grips (with or without beaver tail) and Mil-spec telescopic stocks.
The Upriser package includes an oversized magazine release, with a backward extension that allows the magazine to be ejected without moving the hand from the grip, a flared magwell, an aluminum stock and grip adapter and a pistol grip with beavertail.
The stock adapter is angled at a 12 degree pitch, for a comfortable and ergonomic mount which will result in quick and natural sight acquisition with conventional and red dot optics or iron sights. The flared magwell and extended magazine release greatly simplify carbine reloading. Since the magazine well is a separate component, the shooter can decide whether to mount it or not.
The AR-15 compatible “hiveGrip” featuring an anti-slip honeycomb texture is made from a special synthetic material that dampens vibrations but becomes even more gripping in the presence of moisture.
The price of the Tandemkross Upriser kit in the USA is 179 USD, or about 160 euro.
Tandemkross Upriser in video
For more information visit Tandemkross website.