Sauer catalogue of rifle weapons allows you to find specific carbine gun for any hunting activity: Bolt Action 202 will suit your needs you’re looking for a semi-automatic gun and Bolt Action 303 is perfect for boar hunting
Franco Palamaro
Sauer ideas for hunting guns: Sauer 202 with classic wooden stock and Sauer 303 with a tetragon stock in synthetic material
Franco Palamaro
There are many versions of Sauer 202: notice that the one with synthetic stock has a stock with less-detailed bolt
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 303 is available with hunting aiming devices of high visibility; at request you can have more traditional aiming devices like those that come with Sauer 202
Sauer 202 has a very particular frame that has become a classic over the years
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 303 with a synthetic stock. Behind it, there is 202 model with a wooden stock
Semi-automatic Sauer 202 with a lever on the left side of the magazine opening: it keeps the magazine case in tension, in this way avoiding any possible rumor that could disturb the animals
Sauer 202 bolt uses a big Sako buffer and a piston buffer: this is Push Feed system where the cartridge goes to the chamber and can reach the plate once the buffer is closed
Sauer 202 uses a diametric bolt with six closing fins that go directly into the steel barrel extension
Sauer 202 works very well with great aiming devises such as Zeiss Diavari
Both guns come with wooden stock, using a wood of great quality
Polymeric stock is not the only Sauer’s innovation: you can choose Thumbhole version available for 303 Sauer
Sauer 202 front sight is adjustable for elevation thanks to a hex screw
IsiMount rings: their positioning is very fast and the factory guarantees that the sighting will be saved
Franco Palamaro
Semi-automatic Sauer 303 is available with different aiming sights appropriate for different modes: like fast aiming stocks like the one you see, or a more classical front sight
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 303 gun, the cursor is a safety that you need to activate and deactivate the gun. Sauer 202 is different because it has a round button behind the bolt which activates the gun’s safeties
Franco Palamaro
On Sauer 202 gun a safety inserted by a second button that is right next to the trigger: in order to shoot you need to move this button upwards
Sauer 303 has a frame with backward charging handle. The charging of longer cartridges .30-06 is impeccable, just like the expulsion through a big ejection port on the frame
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 202 and 303 magazines are very similar but not identical: the 303 semi-automatic gun shown on the left has a tooth linked to the elevator which activates the hold-open after the last shoot, keeping the bolt open
Our trial shooting
Bruno Circi
100 meter distance group with 303 Sauer .30-06 caliber and RWS Evolution cartridge
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 202 gun has great scope: it is recommended for selection hunting
Franco Palamaro
Even the most traditional Bolt Action is available in its more modern version, with a synthetic stock
Franco Palamaro
Sauer 303 comes with hunting aiming high-visibility sights, but you can order more traditional aiming devises such as those that usually come with Sauer 202
Franco Palamaro
Among various Sauer 303 models, the Thumbhole synthetic stock is one of the most interesting ones
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