No, it's not a joke, and it's not a Photoshop work: this really happened on a recently purchased, factory-new Glock.
What happened is that the round was fed, fired and ejected properly, but disengaged itself from the extractor and fell back inside the ejection window after tilting backwards, with an almost incredible degree of accuracy. And it didn't happen just once: the factory-new Glock pistol, just out of the gun shop, experienced several jammings of this kind when it was first taken to a gun range for "breaking-in".
We quickly found out the cause: a small metal fragment was stuck under the extractor, which thus lost grip on the spent cases prematurely. Once all the parts were disassembled, cleaned and properly reassembled, the pistol worked flawlessly. Nonetheless, that's a very peculiar kind of malfunction we had there!
American experts invented names and achronyms for all kind of gun-related malfunctions, yet there isn't one that suits this. That was definitely not an FTF ("Failure to Feed"), as the round were fed and fired properly, nor an FTE ("Failure to Extract) since, as a matter of fact, the case was extracted and ejected; nor it is a stovepipe malfunction − if it was, the case would be stuck vertically in the ejection window.
May you, ALL4SHOOTERS.COM readers and followers, invent a name for this kind of malfunction? Tell us about it, and about any peculiar kind of malfunction you may have experienced in your everyday shooters' lives!