Designed for personal defense at very short range, the Altor Pistol manufactured by the US Altor Corporation is chambered in .380 ACP or 9mm Luger calibers and consists of only two main parts. It's striker-fired and to load it, simply remove the barrel and insert a cartridge into it – the cartridge will be held in place by a sort of "shell holder".
The idea is not new and has illustrious precedents, from the Deringer n°1 produced by Colt in the mid-19th century to the Liberator in .45 ACP caliber, manufactured in the USA during the Second World War and the anti-Nazi resistance.
Video: how to load the Altor Pistol
Altor Pistol in 9mm - technical details: 6 parts, 1 shot, 99 Dollars
Less can be more. That's the basic idea. A typical US product, but it's for sure worth to be reviewed: The Altor pistol features crude fixed sights integral with the grip/handle assembly, while safety is a cross-bolt button. There is also a rotating barrel safety. Operation is very simple: when you want to shoot just pull the trigger all the way back, compressing the striker spring. Once the trigger has reached the end of its stroke, it escapes and fires the gun.
All metal parts of the Altor Pistol are stainless steel, while the synthetic parts are made of firearms grade premium polymer. It has a non-threatening appearance, since it looks more like a tool than a firearm. Due to its unique shape the gun fits into several universal holsters on the market.
Despite its extravagance,
design is very ergonomic and price quite affordable:
99 USD for the .380 version and 129 USD for the 9mm version. Specifications are the same for both : overall length 6.5”/ 165 mm, height 3.5”/ 90 mm, thickness 1”/ 25 mm and a weight of 10.5 oz / 300 g.

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