The Italian Senate, by enacting the Decree-Law No. 79 dated 20 June 2012, has removed all regulations relating to the Civilian Firearms Market, thus avoiding the implementation of some problematic requirements for the industry. However, the Associazione Nazionale Produttori Armi e Munizioni Sportive e Civili (National Association of Sporting and Civilian Firearms and Ammunition Manufacturers ANPAM - Confindustria) expresses its deep concern at the lack of acknowledgement of the National Proof House of Gardone Val Trompia in its natural responsibility for processing and recognition of common firearms, as this retains the administrative uncertainty which paralyzes the market and causes heavy damage and losses to businesses. The ANPAM reminds all concerned that, according to a recent study done by the University of Urbino, the Italian Civilian sporting arms sector directly employs about 2200 companies with a given total workforce of nearly one hundred thousand workers and a value of nearly 8 billion Euro annually. The ANPAM hopes that the Chamber of Deputies in the conversion of the said Decree in Law will fill the legal void in the indicated direction, by adopting a simple text that gives the National Proof House the necessary powers to ensure compliance with the law and legislation, providing to businesses, citizens and government regulatory stability and certainty.
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